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Posts from the ‘News’ Category

Kanye West Is An Idiot – Interrupts Taylor Swift’s Acceptance Speech

Kanye West, I never really liked that guy. Anyway, the video is below, watch him prove himself to be an idiot.

[hana-flv-player video=’’ autoload=’false’ /]

Poor Swift was left speechless. I mean so what if West thinks that Beyonce deserves the award. What a muppet. Embarrassment for the VMA Awards, Swift and Beyonce too I’m sure.

Settlement freeze – What settlement freeze?

At the end of my post regarding Netanyahu’s meeting with Prime minister Gordon Brown, I wrote:

Do you really think that he can go back to Israel and convince his right wing government that all settlements must stop? No chance.

So, further to this meeting with Gordon Brown, you must be wondering what is happening back in Israel regarding these settlements, I know I am.

We know that the US has demanded a settlement freeze, and we also know that the UK wants the same. A settlement freeze is NOT a solution, I have said this before. What needs to be done is the removal of all existing settlements. Settlements on occupied land are illegal under international law. Surely enough reason to remove those settlements?

Now, let’s go back on track to the actual outcome of the Brown-Netanyahu meeting. Israel’s defence ministry will approve the construction of 500 new settlement homes in the occupied West Bank this week, this apparently being a prelude to a settlement freeze. During this so called freeze, work will continue on these new homes and on 2,500 others where Israel says construction has already started.

It has been reported that Netanyahu talked of a “reduction” in settlements rather than a freeze. If Israel truly had any interest in peace talks, they would have halted their building of settlements. If anything, this decision, to continue building settlements, will aid their effort of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

I think we all knew that there would be no positive outcome of Brown meeting Netanyahu.

Israel‘s defence ministry will approve the construction of 500 new settlement homes in the occupied West Bank this week, in a last-minute move before agreeing a compromise settlement freeze with the United States.

The authorisation comes despite criticism from Washington and weakens the effect any suspension of Israeli settlement construction will have. During the Israeli pause, work will continue on these new homes and on 2,500 others where Israel says construction has already started.

Protest – Benjamin Netanyahu visits London

Protestors outside 10 Downing Street

Protestors outside 10 Downing Street

Right wing Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu had come to London to meet Gordon Brown on Tuesday, 25 August. Stop the War Coalliation and Palestine Solidarity Campaign had called an emergency protest at Downing Street. For 12 hours notice, it was not a bad turn out at all.

Netanyahu is part of a government that believes it has the right to build settlements on the occupied West Bank. Palestinians are being evicted from their homes. Food and medical supplies are denied. Although after this meeting Brown claimed he was confident that further settlement building will halt, we all know this is not true. Netanyahu himself has said that people who are in these settlements already need to “expand”, what does that mean? More innocent people being forced out of their homes.

We all know the only way to end this is to pull out of the settlements all together, the Israeli government provided incentive for settlers to come into Palestine, they should now offer incentives for settlers to go back into Israel and give back the Palestinians what is rightfully theirs.

Netanyahu is the architect of the suffering experienced by the Palestinian people and the Arab residents of Israel. Do not forget that for a moment. This right wing prime minister will bring no good. Do you really think that he can go back to Israel and convince his right wing government that all settlements must stop? No chance.

(P.S. Apologies for the shoddy picture, my camera was in Brighton unfortunately.)

The real terrorists

It’s interesting to see how America’s war on terror has thus far only progressed through Muslim nations. I do sincerely hope that Obama has a different vision to George Bush, however there’s something that’s just not right about Obama, time will tell.

This brings me on to terrorism. Who are the real terrorists? Did Afghanistan really pose a threat to this world? Did Iraq with their weapons of non-existence mass destruction pose a threat? In all honesty, not really. Yes their people were suffering thanks to idiots such as Saddam and the Taliban, but a threat to others, no. I think we all know that this was purely oil driven, especially in the case of Iraq. Afghanistan was just the scapegoat for 9/11. Harsh words I know, but I still have huge doubts as to who was responsible for 9/11.

Now, let’s for a moment take a look at Israel and their strongest allies, the United States of America. In combination, the amount of lives they have cost this world is far greater than 9/11. The amount of families divided, children killed, women killed is far greater. Brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, grandparents, uncles, aunts, children being massacred. This is surely the definition of terrorism?

Let’s look at a more recent article regarding America’s good friend Israel. Here we read that Arab inhabitants of East Jerusalem are being forced out of their homes by Israeli police in order to allow settlers to come in, injuring a child in the process. Just like that, a family has lost their home, what they have spent their livelihood building.

I will also quote the following from the article:

The most disturbing fact about Israel’s eviction programme is that when you look around East Jerusalem and the surrounding area there are considerable plots of land without homes. If they wanted to build new illegal settlements without kicking out Palestinians in the area they could do so. The targeting of Sheikh Jarrah and other areas is actually a process of racial purification, the transformation of East Jerusalem into a unified Jewish Jerusalem.

So, ethnic cleansing is the aim then, otherwise why not build your homes on lands that are not occupied by innocent families trying to earn an honest living? These people, the Arabs in East Jerusalem, are victims of terrorism, yet the world will stand by and let it happen. Mr Blair, the peace envoy, has a hotel that overlooks this area, and yet not a comment regarding these settlements will be mentioned. I do invite you to read the entire article and gain your own opinions. Again, let’s keep these people in our Duaas (Prayers) and thoughts.

Gaza – 6 months on

Below is a video borrowed from The Guardian. Not much I can really write about it, just watch and gain your own opinions.

May Allah (God) help these people through such times. This is the devastation that Israel causes, it’s not a short-term problem that has come about as a result of that massacre, but  a problem that continues to cause loss of life. For anyone wishing to find out how to make donations for Palestine, I suggest Interpal, a charity organisation that we should all be more aware of, and one we have used in the past when raising money for Palestine.