Stella from the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) reports that in the last few days, with a wave of demolitions, Israeli bulldozers have spread destruction and despair in the villages across the West Bank: in Qarawat Bani Hassan near Salfeet, in al-Jiftlik in the Jordan Valley, in Hizma, near Jerusalem, in Khirbet Yarza, east of Tubas, and in the South Hebron Hills. Click here to read more of her report.
Hours ago, BNP’s Bob Bailey viciously attacked several kids in Barking today. The young lad should not have spat on Bailey. Watch as Bailey continues to beat the defenseless kid even after the kid falls to the ground.
A camera team caught the attack on video – you need to watch it and then share it with everyone you know.
Bailey and his thugs could be running Barking & Dagenham by this weekend.
The Independent reported earlier today that personal information concerning the private lives of almost 1,000 British Muslim University College London (UCL) students is to be shared with US intelligence agencies in the wake of the Detroit bomb scare.
The police initially approached the UCL Islamic Society on 4 January 2010 for a list of names of their members between 2005 and 2008. Following legal advice, the society declined to give the information. The police then approached the student union with a personal data request. The union provided names and email addresses of members of the UCL Islamic Society and Royal Free and UCL Medical Islamic Society between September 2005 and June 2009. The police then approached the university for telephone numbers and home addresses. These were passed on by the UCL Registry.
The Student Union has absolutely no right to betray its own students. Student Unions have a primary role in representing and supporting student interests. It is as though the rights and privacy of Muslim students bear no importance.
As a Muslim the reason I joined the Islamic Society at my University was completely for social reasons, to meet people who enjoyed the same things I enjoyed, it’s the same reason one joins any society at University. This is simply heavy handed intelligence gathering by the police. I have no doubts that as an ex-president of an Islamic Society I am on some sort of list, this new information that has come to light only lessens my doubt.
I am glad that the Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS) has taken an active stance on this issue, and will be keeping a close eye on the forthcoming events.
I am shocked that UCL’s Student Union succumbed to Police pressure at the expense of the privacy of the very students they are meant to represent. As much as the government claim that Muslims are not being targeted, I refuse to believe it.
There is no doubt that you have all read or heard by now about about the decision to expel an Israeli diplomat over the assassination of a Hamas member in Dubai by Mossad agents. David Miliband said earlier today that there was “compelling evidence” that Israel was responsible for misuse of British passports as part of a plot to kill the aforementioned Hamas member.
I cannot be alone in thinking that this response was weak. In 1987 Israel promised to stop the practise of forging UK documents after eight British blank passports, reckoned to be for Mossad agents, were left in a phone booth in West Germany [1]. This then leaves one wondering how much of this decision is a ploy just to win votes from the pro-Palestinian group of voters. No doubt this faux outrage by Britain is simply a necessity more than anything else.
The correct response should include the search and arrest of those responsible and demands made to hand those responsible over for trial. No compliance? Go further – sanctions!
No doubt, the replacement for this expelled diplomat will be on the way if he/she is not already. In conclusion, Israel gets off lightly, and escapes another crime. Does this really come as a surprise? I think not. It will be interesting to see how the other countries who had their passports forged respond in the coming days/weeks.
On Sunday March 16, 2003 in Rafah, occupied Gaza, 23 year old peace activist Rachel Corrie from Olympia, Washington, USA was crushed to death by a US made (Caterpillar D9R) Israeli bulldozer while protesting non violently. She was trying to prevent the demolition of the home of a Palestinian family (a pharmacist, accountant, their wives, and five young children). As a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), Rachel was in Gaza opposing the bulldozing of Palestinian homes by the Israeli army.
Her words as a child are shown in the video below:
The video above is an excerpt from the award winning documentary Occupation 101, which if you have not yet seen, I highly recommend you do.
The video below is Rachel’s last interview conducted by Middle East Broadcasting Company on March 14th, 2003, two days before she was murdered by the Israeli Defense Forces:
It is now 7 years since the death of Rachel, and there is yet a thorough investigation to be done of the death of Rachel Corrie. The family of Rache are bringing a civil lawsuit against the Israeli defence ministry for Rachel’s killing. The Haifa District Court began hearing eyewitness testimonies today, the 10th of March 2010. The court heard the testimonies of two ISM witnesses today. The case continues.
Israel has granted visas to four key witnesses, three Britons and an American. These fellow members of ISM were at the scene in Rafah when Corrie was killed and will give evidence, according the family lawyer, Hussein Abu Hussein.
“As we approach the seven-year anniversary of Rachel’s killing, my family and I are still searching for justice. The brutal death of my daughter should never have happened. We believe the Israeli army must be held accountable for her unlawful killing,” said Rachel’s mother, Cindy Corrie who will be attending the trial today. “We hope this trial will also illustrate the need for accountability for thousands of lives lost, or indelibly injured, by the Israeli occupation and bring attention to the assault on nonviolent human rights defenders – Palestinian, Israeli, and international,” stated Ms. Corrie.
I recommend a read through the sites listed at the bottom of this article if you wish to learn about the great woman that was Rachel Corrie. Rachel was a brave, courageous and heroic woman, an inspiration to us all. A woman who sacrificed her life defending the Israeli destruction of a Palestinian home, defending a palestinian family. She will not be forgotten. May her soul rest in peace.
Sites related to Rachel Corrie: – The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice was established by members of Rachel’s family and community to continue the kind of work that she began and hoped to accomplish