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Posts tagged ‘Gaza’

Venezuela and Palestine establish diplomatic ties

The Venezuelan foreign minister Nicolas Maduro and his Palestinian counterpart Riyad Al-Maliki signed agreements formally creating diplomatic ties on Monday in Caracas. This comes as tension between Israel and Venezuela grows. A palestinian embassy was also inaugerated in Caracas.

“The people of Palestine can count on our eternal and permanent solidarity with their just and humane cause”
Nicolas Maduro
Venezuelan Foreign Minister

The Israeli massacre of Palestinians left over 1,300 dead, prompting Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan leader, to cut off ties with Israel.

Caracas expelled Israeli diplomats in January as protest against the Gaza offensive. Israel responded by dismissing Venezuelan envoys. There are plans for 10 more embassies in Latin America as stated by Al-Maliki.

This is good news for Palestine in establishing more international support as well as establishing themselves as a state that is here to stay.

Boycott Israeli Goods

Barcode on Israeli Products

Barcode on Israeli Products

It is amazing how quickly Israel’s recent massacre of innocent Palestinians has just disappeared from the media. The boycott of Israeli goods must continue however. This is our way of hitting apartheid Israel’s economy. Already The Guardian has reported that a fifth of Israeli exporters report a drop in demand.

The Palestinians have been losing land and resources to illegal settlers for over 60 years now, and this is not slowing down. More and more Palestinian territories are being occupied, land which the Palestinians rely on for their income. Instead illegal settlers take over, and then these products that are produced on illegally occupied lands are being sold in our supermarkets, yet, our government will not intervene. This is why it is up to us, the public, to make a difference. Continue your boycott. Just because there are no reports in the media does not mean the boycotts must end.

I invite you to look at 2 websites for further information on which companies are to be avoided, and some background information on the boycott campaign.

Israel drops Gaza war crimes investigation

I’m going to begin with an investigation carried out by the Guardian. Clancy Chassay asks why Israeli drones with optics capable of seeing the colour of a target’s clothes killed so many Palestinian civilians during the recent Gaza invasion. The video is shown below:

This is further evidence of the Israelis attacking innocent Palestinian civilians and yet they continue to deny what is obviously the truth. In an earlier post, I talked about the damaging testimonies of Israeli soldiers, confirming that war crimes were carried out. I did mention it would be interesting to see how Israel spin their way out of this one, and surprise, they have attempted.

Israel have closed the Gaza war crimes inquiry, no surprises there, the military invesgiating the military. The invesgiation by Israel concluded that the aforementioned soldiers were just relaying rumours and “hearsay”. So that’s it, an 11 day invesgation into the alleged human rights violations has ended. I was expecting a more convincing investigation however.

Confirmation of Israel’s terrorist acts

The end of the 22 day war massacre by Israel left over 1,300 Palestinians dead, around a third of which were children. Israel claimed throughout this operation that it was not targetting civilians, but of course, the intellectuals amongst us knew better. I’m sure the children throwing stones was a huge risk for the Israeli army.

Most are aware of my views on Zionism, but my strong views against Israel is not because they are killing my fellow Muslims, it is far beyond that. It is the inhumanity which gets me.

You may be wondering what I mean by ‘Confirmation of Israel’s terrorist acts’ and where. Well, I came across a couple of news articles which may interest you:

It will be interesting to see how Israel try to spin their way out of this one, no doubt their crimes will remain unpunished.