Israel drops Gaza war crimes investigation
I’m going to begin with an investigation carried out by the Guardian. Clancy Chassay asks why Israeli drones with optics capable of seeing the colour of a target’s clothes killed so many Palestinian civilians during the recent Gaza invasion. The video is shown below:
This is further evidence of the Israelis attacking innocent Palestinian civilians and yet they continue to deny what is obviously the truth. In an earlier post, I talked about the damaging testimonies of Israeli soldiers, confirming that war crimes were carried out. I did mention it would be interesting to see how Israel spin their way out of this one, and surprise, they have attempted.
Israel have closed the Gaza war crimes inquiry, no surprises there, the military invesgiating the military. The invesgiation by Israel concluded that the aforementioned soldiers were just relaying rumours and “hearsay”. So that’s it, an 11 day invesgation into the alleged human rights violations has ended. I was expecting a more convincing investigation however.